Tactics Journal

by Kyle Boas

Analyzing football tactics

Solve the puzzle

Solutions, solutions, solutions, more solutions. So often we talk about the past and how it can be different, but the hard part is finding the solutions to the problems.

That is what is in the mind of an innovator.

Skip past the part where we diagnose the problem and then get right to the solution as quickly as possible.

It helps to document what hasn’t worked. That is what public football analysis is. We point out the things that should be obvious. Highlights for those who don’t know what to look for, for those that missed the game, or for those that watched casually.

The solutions are boring because they did not happen yet. They are theoretical, and we can’t implement them ourselves. We have to wait for the team, and then we can point to our solution and say, “Hey, I was right; look, I was right. Everybody, come here. They did what I said they should do, and it worked.”

If all you offer are solutions, you’ll never have to point them out because that is all you share.

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