Berbatov Walks Us Through This Goal
12 December 2023
Dimitar Berbatov gets in a position like this by knowing how each of his teammates like to play, and then timing his arrival into space to match their movements. Here he walks us through a goal scored for Manchester United in 2010.
Of course, it’s just pass and move, pass and move. I know Patrice; he likes to run. He knows me, then give me the ball, and then I just know where my teammates.
I see Nani outside of the foot, and I was very good with the outside of my foot.
And I know Nani. He likes tricks, so that’s why I’m not hurry. And then he sees me in the best position. Bang. Goal. Simple as that.
People ask me, “Berbs, why not sprinting towards the goal?” Well, because if you check the goal, you can see how everyone else is sprinting. But because they don’t know Nani as I do, I know he’s going to do tricks. So then when he was running with the ball, I knew he’s going to do this, this, or something like that. I don’t need to rush. Berba calculate, and then attack. This is knowing your teammates; timing is everything.
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