Don't assume everyone knows what you know
28 December 2024
That is the biggest lesson I have learned from this blog: Just because I understand something does not mean others can spot those same things. Things that you may find common or insignificant could be new to someone else.
That lightbulb clicked in my head when I was explaining a formation change to someone and only using words to describe what I wanted changed. The changes seemed simple to me; I explained it in one or two sentences, but they were asking a lot of questions; they were confused. I then said, “Let me draw it; I’ll be back.” I came back and shared the image, with a longer explanation, and then they responded back with, I’m paraphrasing, “You put a lot of thought into that; I would have never thought of that.”
Something that seems simple to me is new to this person. Everyone looks at football differently and has different levels of experience. I don’t know everything there is to know, but I have enough experience to know that many people can benefit from what I know.
I saw that X, Y, and Z needed to be fixed, and they only saw X and didn’t even know Y and Z were possible solutions to the problem. And then there is an entire set of the population that wouldn’t even spot X, Y, or Z.
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