Tactics Journal

by Kyle Boas

Analyzing football tactics


July 16, 2023 — I have too much to say throughout the day to limit myself to one long post a day. For the shorter notes I take, I wanted a place to jot them down and share, so I’ve added this new “notes” functionality to the blog.

Figure 1.1 - The homepage.

280 characters or less, like Twitter. Anything longer will be a post like the one you’re reading now.

These notes will automatically be posted to Twitter, Facebook, and Mastodon. Follow if you want to receive them.

Now I will forever have an archive of all of my ideas. If one social media goes down, these thoughts won’t be lost. They’ll be here.

On the homepage, you can search through all of the posts. Type in a team, and if I’ve written about them, they’ll show up in the list. Tap on the team and it’ll filter out the search by posts that are related.

If you spot any issues or have feedback, contact me via email at kyle@tacticsjournal.com.

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